How to Automatically Share your Blogger Post on Twitter

Twitter is one among the Greatest Social network in the world now, and its power of bringing and increasing your traffic rate is high if and only if you the ways to go about it. twitter which is launch years back, is having a great power and tools to drive traffic/audience into a site/blog.
In this tutorial where you see how blogger (blogspot sites both free and custom domain) can connect thier blogger blog to thier Twitter account so it can share the post they make on blogger to automatically appear in thier Twitter  Tagline for their followers and those they follow to see.
Now, We blogging on how bloggers can now have a way to automatically share thier blog post to twitter without stress, and we found a possible and stressless way to do that.

Below is the Procedure on how to connect your blogger blog to Twitter for automatic post updates Home Page Screen Shot


  1. Visit on your Borwser (Screenshot Above)
  2. Sign up with your E-mail account below (precisely gmail)
  3. You will be ask for your Feed Address orr Name click and fill it
  4. Next you will click on 'Connect Socials'
  5. Click on Twitter log and you will ask to Authorize dlvr, will your twitter account is already logged in
  6. And click on Authorize
  7. You will taking to fill some settings about how you want it to work and timing
  8. Click on FInish and your connection is now ready depending on how you set it.
Make sure your twitter account is logged in on your device before carrying on the process to avoid time wait. Do even that have a working Feed burner account or ccreate one HERE

It advantages are much than even what you maybe thinking, cause it saves time, help you think more important things and makes you like a guru, haha.


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