See How Pneumonia is Dangerous and How to Prevent it

Common cold, which includes symptoms such as cough, sneezing or runny nose, is a viral infection that involves the upper respiratory system and may not need serious medical attention.

However, sometimes it could develop into a health complication like bronchitis, pneumonia, an ear infection, sinusitis, or an asthma attack.
In the case of Pnuemonia, it is the inflammation of the lungs caused by a bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs get filled with pus which may become solid.
Such inflammation may affect both lungs, resulting in ‘double pneumonia’, or only one, ‘single pneumonia’.

Two extremes of human life, which include the young, (those below age two) and the old, (those above age 65), are considered to be the most vulnerable considering their low levels of immunity.
However, those between other age groups can also be susceptible to pneumonia infection when the immune system is week.

Symptoms of the disease include cough, fever, chest pain, fast breathing and feeling short of breath among others.

Pneumonia has been rated among the leading killers of children under five years of age, accounting for 15 % of all deaths of children under 5 years old or 920, 136 children worldwide in 2015.
In curing the disease, hemophilus influenza type b, is part of the pentavalent vaccines given during routine immunization in Nigeria.

Also, the federal government’s introduction of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in 2014 has been commended by some medical practitioners, however, some say there have been some concerns.
While everyone awaits more medical intervention, simple measures such as early and exclusive breastfeeding, regular and proper washing of hands, and ensuring a well ventilated home and workplace will also reduce the occurrence of pneumonia.


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